This example creates a new rule template that allows the user to define new rules to report and code that extends a given class. 这个例子创建了一个允许用户来定义新的规则来报告以及为特定的类编码扩展的模板。
Then it generates a report that lists how many "ticks" each of these units of code received ( how many times a system-clock interrupt occurred when that particular unit of code was running). 然后,它生成一个报告,列出这些代码单元每个获得了多少个“节拍(tick)”(即当代码的特定单元正在运行时发生了多少次系统时钟中断)。
During interactive development, Purify can report on memory errors before new code is committed to the project. 在交互开发过程中,Purify能够在新代码加入工程前报告内存错误。
The script generates the annotated differences report, a source code differences report that includes coverage information. 脚本会生成一个自动差异报告,一个包含了覆盖率信息的自动差异报告。
If you produce a report that says that it will take$ 1.2 million to get your code to the point where it doesn't suck, your manager is going to jump out a window. 如果您生成的报告说您将花费120万来使您的代码达到不可吸入的点,您的管理员可能会从窗户跳出去。
Xshareclasses: verboseAOT: Use this command to report any AOT code read from or stored into the shared class cache. verboseAOT:使用这个命令报告在共享类缓存中存储或读取的所有AOT代码。
Create a label in the report layout below the table and add the following code. 在表下面的报告布局中创建一个label,并添加以下代码。
The report function contains all of the interesting code, so let's take a look at it in Listing 2. report函数包含所有有趣的代码,我们来看看清单2。
The trick to test coverage measurement is to use the coverage report to expose code that hasn't been tested, on a micro level and on a macro level. 测试覆盖度量的窍门是使用覆盖报告找出未经测试的代码,分别在微观和宏观两个级别。
When you examine a coverage report, seek out the low values and understand why that particular code hasn't been tested fully. 当您检查覆盖报告时,找出较低的值,并了解为什么特定的代码没有经过充分的测试。
I have found that being able to report these exceptions with a specific error code ( instead of a generic exception or, even worse, no reported error) has saved me hours tracking bugs. 我发现,在跟踪错误时,用特定的错误码(而不是一般的异常或―甚至更糟―不报告错误)来报告这些异常节省了我数小时的时间。
A difference report can help you decide whether a given set of code changes is covered well enough by existing tests or requires that new tests be written. 差异报告通过已存在的测试,或者要求书写新的测试,来决定是否给出一系列的代码变更集合。
Failure to report a violation of this code is itself a violation of the code. 知情不报同样属于违反本规范的行为。
If an object method needs to report an error, then a return code should be used. 假如一个对象的方法需要报告一个错误,这时一个返回码需要用到。
If report designer encounters code during the import process, a warning is generated and displayed in the task list window. 如果报表设计器在导入过程中遇到代码,则会生成一条警告消息,显示在“任务列表”窗口中。
A non-delivery report with a status code of% 1 was generated for recipient% 2 ( Message-ID% 3). 为收件人%(件ID%)成了状态代码为%的未送达报告。
This week it released a new report on the administrative burdens of the tax code. 本周,世行发表了一份有关税法之行政负担的新报告。
In this thesis, a system model of report anti-counterfeiting that integrated PDF417 bar code Two-dimension with encryption technology is presented. 二维条码的高保密性和安全性的特色使他普遍应用于防伪范畴,特殊是应用于讲演体系管理中。
All employees are obligated to immediately report observed violations of the code and illegal or unethical behavior to supervisors or the company's Audit Committee of the board of directors. 如发现任何违法、违反本规范或其它不道德行为,全体员工均有义务立即向其上级主管或董事会审计委员会报告。
In our sample we will use WinForms ReportViewer control with remote processing at Report Server and custom code to automatically handle the ForPrint parameter. 在本例中,我们将使用WinFormsReportViewer控件和报表服务器远程处理,以及可自动处理ForPrint参数的自定义代码。
Sometimes, I am touched by their helplessness, for half a day means a lot for them, usually they have to apply for leave from work and come here just to report loss of bankcard or code. 有时,我真是被这些农民工兄弟的无助感动,因为大半天对于他们来说很宝贵,很多人都是请假出来办理挂失的。
Output mini profile: Create report file with timings of important code sections. 输出依附配置文件:创建带有重要代码段执行时间的报告文件。
Since the report code itself cannot determine in which context it is used, we added a boolean parameter named ForPrint to the report. 由于报表的代码本身不能确定是在什么环境中被使用,我们就在报表中增加了一个名为ForPrint的布尔型参数。
The report ′ s Open event code detects this, and cancels the report. 报表的Open事件代码会检测到这一情况并取消运行报表。
A report definition contains one or more queries, layout information, and code references or expressions. 报表定义包含一个或多个查询、布局信息以及代码引用或表达式。
Form or report has code behind it or is used as a class? 窗体或报表是内含代码还是作为类使用?
The trial-produce report of CW semiconductor lidar modulated with pseudo-random code 伪随机码调制的CW半导体激光雷达试制报告
While the client terminal can discover the abnormal conditions of local machine timely and effectively with its sensitivity to the malicious code. Then send the malicious code report to submit host abnormal condition analytical results to realize the malicious code defense of the whole network. 客户终端利用自身对恶意代码的敏感度,及时有效地发现本地主机的异常情况,通过发送恶意代码报告提交本地异常分析结果,从而实现整体网络的恶意代码防御。